Nutrition Study Program of Diponegoro University has a vision of becoming a nutrition study program that is ported and excels in monocular-based nutrition in the national and international levels in 2025.
The Nutrition Study Program has a number of laboratories to support research activities and community service education. Based on the results of the online assessment, The Nutrition Study Program assesses culinary and dietetic laboratory facilities haven’t proper requirements.
Therefore they want to rejuvenate culinary and dietetic laboratory facilities based on the requirements. So they choose Nayati as the main provider to fulfill all requirements needed for their laboratory.
Nurmasari Widyastuti, S.Gz, M.Si.Med as Lecturer at Nutrition Study Program Diponegoro University infom as why they use Nayati because the specifications are domestic products and are easy to operate using the latest technology and are also known used by another culinary or nutritional Institutions
And they are very glad for Restomart which provides aftersales service and have a responsibility to help from the installation process until now.