Electric Pizza Oven with Single Deck, Digital operating system with programmable time and temperature of cooking mode. Product Data Sheet
Showing all 12 results
Pizza Stone
2491058Baking stone to create a multilayered crunchy-chewy pizza or bread crust. The stone can withstand extreme heat and handle temperature changes without cracking
Pizza Pan Non Stick 12″
2491056Non stick coating aluminium pizza pan in diametre size 12″ with high temperature resistant, easy use and cleaning.
Pizza Pan Non Stick 6″
2491055Non stick coating aluminium pizza pan in diametre size 6″ with high temperature resistant, easy use and cleaning.
PIzza Pan Non Stick 9″
2491054Non stick coating aluminium pizza pan in diametre size 9″ with high temperature resistant, easy use and cleaning.
Pizza Oven NEPO 50.50-S
0617028Portable Electric Pizza Oven Single Deck with digital display of temperature and time of cooking mode. Product Data Sheet